Saturday, November 28, 2009


Schmaltz may... Get ready... Be my favorite brewery.

I don't know if I've ever said that before. They do new things, big
things, classic, and subtle things. And they do them all well. This is
not a one horse (hop) brewer. I mean... I'm sortof annoyed by the
"hops or double hops or ULTRA SUPER hops" mentality of some (gigantic)

Freaktoberfest is a crazy red colored lager. 6 malts, 6 hops, 6.66 ABV

RED. Colored. RED.

It's yummy though. I'm sick, and apparently the wife is trying to
knock me out, and a nyquil followed by Freaktoberfest fit the bill.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh damn, the beer dinner was one thing. Last night was crazy more.

Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast was iiinnnn credible. GodFather and I absolutely loved it- 5 out of 6 in a six pack. My wife gave it only a 3. She explained that it was because it's just not her "style".

The question then lies in... is it fair to rate something lower because it's not your style, or do you simply rate it compared to other beers IN the style. My wife is very in to beer, but the dark porter/stouts, which BGB is a very solid example of, is not one she will choose when given options.

Thoughts can be left under comments.

We also tried the Sam Adams Cherry wheat which I personally thought tasted like cherry air freshener, she liked. Good thing since there is still one in the mix pack from Sam Adams that I got. "It's all you, baby!"

Sam Adams Octoberfest was good- 4 out of 6 in a six pack. Balanced, flavorful. Just good! It's a nice session beer.

Ska Ten Pin Porter. Solid, tho we tasted it after the BGB and it was really tough to not compare the two, though they are WORLDS apart. 4 out of 6

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Andrew in the orange, Travis in the blue. Good looking bastards...

Beer tasting with dinner

My friend GodFather came in town and knowing that he is a beer geek, I stocked the fridge!

So we started the festivities with Ska Brown Ale which was perfect with the roasted cheese stuffed bacon wrapped jalapenos off the grill. Delicious! (next was Sam Adams brown which was... less impressive...)

With our pork rouldades, I paired Reaper Ale's Deathly Pale Ale. WOW! That was a huge beer.

~~~insert tequila shot here~~~

After dinner, we sampled the novelty beer Cave Creek Chili Beer. It was what you expect- a tasty beer that was perfect to share. It is very spicy and other than that... uh... yeah. I have 5 more that I will finish in the next 6 months or so. OR! Take to the in-laws for Thanksgiving.. yeah. that's a better plan ;)

For dessert, the coups de gras... an Oskar Blues TenFidy float with a really good vanilla bean ice cream. Freaking phenomenal! That beer is so huge, mixing it with the ice cream just smoothed everything out! It still had that bitter ZIP at the end before the ice cream really melted, but once there was meltification it TOTALLY rawked. If you can, PLEASE try this! Yes, Travis, I'll have TenFidy and ice cream next time you visit us down here in Tucson ;)

~~~insert another tequila shot here~~~

After that, what can you do? Well I shared some Full Sail Slipknot. I think that was a bad move. I mean seriously, at this point it was pretty much over. I'm sure it was a good beer, but I wasted it on a drunken fool (me) Then Sam Adams Dunkelweizen. Repeat earlier disclaimer of wasting beer.

What a great night! We're doing another tasting tonight!

Monday, November 16, 2009

YoYP Text Message Tested, Enthusiast Approved

Just testing out the new feature.
Tonight's beer was Anvil from BeerSmith. A refreshing ESB that finished smooth and was gone before I knew it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Work. = Papago!

Speakeasy Cacao nib porter. I almost feel some grounds in my mouth as
I drink this. The head is huge and dense and stays forever. The beer
is subtle chocolate, and thick. Yummmm! 6/6 beers out of a 6 pack!