Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What's New?!

Mikeller " From: To: " is what's new!
A delicious imperial Stout from Denmark
It's aaawwwweeesssooommmee
(note the multiple letters, indicating extra deliciousness...)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How the helldo you pronounce "Geants"?

Noel de Geants, a Belgian strong ale by Braserie de Geants sounds
suspiciously French. It's in Belgium but... Pfft on France!

Nice beer- just what I was looking for tonight after a 5 hour
Bartending shift outside in the cold ;) 55 degree weather.

Served by Papago in a traditional Belgian Tulip glass, it's spicy and
just right sweet and yummy :) Thank you Belgium for your nommy yeasts