Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tonight's beers

Today I learned that Sierra Nevada makes an estate beer. This means that all Ingredients come from the brewery's own land. Hops, barley, water, and a proprietary yeast strain. Great IPA :)

Rockart Vermontster Barleywine
Left Hand 400lb Monkey IPA
Sierra Nevada Estate IPA
Papago ElRobusto Imperial Porter


  1. What does IPA stand for? For some reason I used to think Independant Pale Ale...but I keep seeing India Pale Ale. Can you clarify?

  2. India Pale Ale is correct. The Brits used to add more hops to the beer brewed in Britain so it could make the long sea voyage to India- the hops help keep nasties from growing in it. These days we just refrigerate the stuff :) The extra dose of hops is just for the tastiness.
